Outstanding post Nicole! As an activator and initiator myself, I've found the greatest increase in quality of life coming from two primary external factors: 1) Continually seeking perspective from others outside of your immediate personal/professional network and 2) As you gather this new perspective and figure out the reality of what matters most in your life, take massive action on 1-3 of those things that move the needle to make them a reality! (i.e. starting a non-profit or business to fill a void in the market)

Recommended book from a long-time colleague I recently spoke with (I hadn't spoke to him in over a decade, so it was new perpsective): "The Right IT", by Alberto Savoia

With Gratitude - David

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Nicole Connor

Consciousness is fundamental to reality, which is essentially subjective. There is no solid material reality, only information.

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Beautifully stated and I completely agree!

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