The New Era of Activators
Individuals Driving Collective Progress: The Activator-Initiator Paradigm
“You’re a very interesting and unique hybrid between a Lobbyist and and Activist. I can think of a few corporations that would pay you a comfortable six-figure salary to work for them”.
This conversation with a well-established local visionary and entrepreneur has been fermenting in my mind for a few months. It not only highlights the frequential limitations of our lexicon, but also how easy it is for the well-intentioned to believe they can save others inside of constructs that uphold the status quo. The lure of a six-figure salary attached to the promise of effecting organizational change can be captivating.
It reminds me of all of the non-profits, corporate social responsibility programs, wellness initiatives and foundations embedded within the organizations I’ve worked for. A feel-good virtue signal to staff and clients that masks a tax strategy and act of atonement for businesses that uses extractive methods to keep their doors open and accounts flush.
He was impressed by my ability to observe corporate structures, find potential liabilities and “loopholes” (I hate that word) and close the gap between corporation and consumer. Specifically, he was struck by my persuasive arguments, courage and dedication to stand in my convictions and take aligned action regardless of social pressure and optics. Hence the quasi Activist-Lobbyist designation.
He developed a revolutionary technology by reading all of the legislation and regulations that governed his sector - including the obscure and long forgotten - then created a network within the void. It was that experience and perspective that allowed him to truly see how I connect dots, and the inherent value in my skills-stack.
Hearing his origin story validated an idea and concept I’ve been holding in my heart for many years, but being viewed as an Activist and Lobbyist fundamentally bothered me. I do not resonate with those titles, however I could see immense value in exploring what purpose these roles serve so their frequency bands can be expanded, shadow acknowledged and integrated, and another layer of the victim, villain, hero cycle unlocked.
Traditionally Activists and Lobbyists engage in advocacy efforts aimed at influencing decisions, policies, and public opinion. They work to raise awareness about specific issues or causes, mobilize supporters through grassroots organizing and direct action, and engage with policymakers and stakeholders to influence policy and legislative processes on behalf of organizations, interest groups, or individuals. They;
Primarily engage in advocacy, campaigning, and influencing decision-makers.
Focus on government bodies, lawmakers, and institutions to bring about policy changes.
Employ strategies such as petitions, lobbying, public awareness campaigns, and grassroots mobilization to impact legislation and regulations.
Seek systemic change through alterations in laws, regulations, or public policies.
From their shadow state, they appear to uphold the functions of society that alleviate many of their own personal accountability and responsibility, while reinforcing the parentification of Corporations and the State. We often see and feel their expression in the forms of corruption, manipulation, fanaticism, exploitation, self-righteousness, aggression, and burnout. Expressions and emotions many who have sought to remedy a perceived injustice have travelled; my Self included.
In my experience, regardless of the pressure placed externally, transformation only occurs concurrent to the shifts of individual perceptions and projections. There does not appear to be a one-size-fits-all approach to collective change; it’s an individuated path of attunement that determines what you will and will not allow in your reality. A state of Being that is constantly attracting or repelling what you need to experience and grow through.
If I bring it all the way into the center of my sphere, Activator and Initiator feels more in alignment with the path I’m choosing to walk. While I am quite proficient at advocating and seeking equitable remedy for my Self, I begin to move against my Will when I attempt to do it for others or try to influence groups into a certain way of Being. I find ease, purpose and fulfillment initiating conversations that create transparency via public records, paper trails, and alternative networks. Within their results is a void overflowing with opportunity for those resonating at the frequency of truth and infinite possibility.
Since August of 2022 I’ve been harnessing doubt to catalyze deep inquiry, both internally and externally. I truly believe that you can’t transform what you don’t know, because you risk repeating cycles when there are gaps in understanding. I’ve spent a lot of time writing letters and initiating meetings with various governing bodies and corporations in an effort to right contracts that are causing immediate harm - from housing to food security to utilities to health care. It’s been a deeply transformative journey because not only am I bringing valuable information to the surface, everyone I come in contact with on this path is being activated by it too. Through this chain reaction, I’ve witnessed others who resonate at the level of truth begin to test the boundaries of their voice, initiating their own paths of exploration.
Never have we lived through a time where we are being activated by so many external factors and waves of Activists and Lobbyists that appeal to the more shadowy aspects of human nature. If you feel called to bring forth change, your biggest challenges live in the shadows and how to know when you’re acting from them. This is why I am feeling called to highlight the role of the Activator and Initiator, so these aspects can be acknowledged within and expressed in alignment.
Activators and Initiators serve as empowerment catalysts for advancement, driving change, fostering innovation, and inspiring individuated collective action towards a better and more equitable future. They lead through inspired action and create aligned collaborations that leverage resources and networks for collective impact. Momentum and enthusiasm gets generated through the joining of individuated Beings who have the vision, creativity, and initiative to identify opportunities and take the first steps towards realizing them, without losing their Essence to a collective will. They;
Primarily inspire and initiate self-empowerment at the individual and community levels.
Direct efforts toward individuals and communities, encouraging personal transformation and spiritual awareness.
Initiate programs, workshops, and community projects that emphasize holistic living and well-being.
Focus on tangible actions that contribute to individual growth that fosters collective empowerment, and a heightened sense of purpose.
There is immense power in choosing to allow your Self to be activated by your experiences and witness how you are instinctually programmed to repress or react. When you claim your role as an Activator and Initiator, you inherently accept and take accountability and responsibly for the chain reaction of your Being, and embrace the transformations that come through what is revealed.
I can’t think of a more powerful and creative state of Being to navigate life.
I know many who are reading this have been activating and initiating transformation in and around them for many years. I would love hear from you in the comments about how you are Being the change you wish to see you in reality. Through the sharing of our stories we unlock opportunities and give others permission to step into deeper wells of inquiry that catalyze quantum shifts in our lives.
Consciousness is fundamental to reality, which is essentially subjective. There is no solid material reality, only information.